Do Not Abandon Your Post
Do not abandon daily obedience for a worldly revolution. While the whole world is in the streets, let us carry on quietly, meekly, in the home, in His Word, in fervent prayer. Everyone wants to change the world but very few are willing to go home and make dinner, do the dishes, and rake the leaves. Don’t abandon your post. Let us carry on, minding our own business and working with our hands. [1 Thessalonians 4:11]
The best way we can take up arms is to be faithful in where we are at, to pray that the gospel will go forth, and that our leaders will allow us to lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity. [1 Timothy 2]
The Lord is not bound by earthly institutions. If the Lord, in His rich mercy, wills to bless us and preserve us, He will do so, no matter who leads this country. If the Lord, in His glorious sovereignty, wills us to suffer for our faith, it will be so, no matter who leads this country. We may be canceled by culture but we will never be canceled by Christ. We may have to suffer for our faith but we will never suffer for our sins. We continue on, in steadfast joy, through trials and tribulations.
For now, there is still food to cook, leaves to rake, books to read, warm drinks to enjoy, and holidays worth celebrating. Get on a solid schedule, enjoy the season, gather in fellowship, and walk in faithful obedience. Our Hope has already come, and He is surely coming again soon! Maranatha!
“prince of peace, control my will; bid my struggling heart be still; bid my fears and doubts to cease, hush my spirit into peace. may thy will, not mine be done; may thy will and mine be one; chase these doubtings from my heart, now thy perfect peace impart.”