Olde December: Letters from Home
“You fear that Christmas is not likely to be a merry Christmas to you...well, then, flee unto God with that trouble; and whatever is burdening your heart or your mind, flee unto God about it, and leave it all in his hands, and go on your way rejoicing.”
Ah, yes. Rejoice! Rejoice! What more is there to do this season? Well, practically speaking, plenty. But may our hearts be rejoicing all the day long as we prepare for Christmas. There is not much left in the year. Last month, as I was standing at the kitchen sink doing dishes, watching the snow fall softly under the streetlamp, I wondered if my heart was ready for winter. But now I know that I am. And if I get cold, I will “wrap myself in the warm garments of the Lord’s promises” (Charles Spurgeon) and go on my way.
Olde December has captured my heart once again with its dark days and long nights. I have been baking sourdough of some sort almost every day, and the closer it gets to Christmas Day, the more our containers and cupboards fill to the brim with sweet treats. An old red copy of Little Women sits on my bedside, open to page 102, where I will pick up next. Candles burn slowly as I write cards to friends and family far away, and dream of a white Christmas. Although it doesn’t look like snow will be here for a while now. Maybe in January we will get a great white blizzard!
These early dark evenings make good for baking by lamplight.
Sourdough soft pretzel recipe is coming soon…
The shop is slowing down, with only a few orders trickling in each day. We can no longer guarantee shipping in time for Christmas and I think most everyone has finished their shopping for loved ones. I think I am done with any and all creative pursuits until the New Year. If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen— without my camera. I love capturing scenes and beautiful moments but I am desperate for a break! It is time to dive into the world of home and hearth. Before I do, I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Many blessings upon you and your family as you celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ!
—Kaetlyn ❤️
“The Christmas message is that there is hope for a ruined humanity—hope of pardon, hope of peace with God, hope of glory—because at the Father’s will Jesus Christ became poor, and was born in a stable so that thirty years later He might hang on a cross. It is the most wonderful message the world has ever heard, or will hear.”